Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well some of the preparations for Cambodia are well underway

Yesterday morning I visited my doctor to see what immunisations I needed before I set foot in the country. Well the main ones are for Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.  The Typhoid and Hep A are offered as a combined vaccine, for a cost of $103. Problem is, at the moment the vaccine is as rare as hen's teeth until November, and doc told me that it has to be injected as early as possible to get the maximum benefit.  

So I thought 'oh great, this will be fun!' as I was told that I would have to chase the vaccine amongst all of the different chemists and might pick one up if I was lucky.

Well BINGO, went to the chemist that is right next door to my doctor's surgery and they had one in stock! So I bought it, raced STRAIGHT back to the doctor and Jo the receptionist / nurse injected me straight away.  The most interesting thing is that I had my Hep B vaccine about ten minutes earlier into my left arm because I wasn't expecting to get the Hep A / Typhoid today!  SO I feel like the human pincushion!
Jo warned me, 'this Hep A vaccine is really going to hurt later" and I was like 'Nah, I feel GREAT this is wonderful!'

Two hours after I had the needle and it hurts like you wouldn't believe and I'm almost in tears here and typing with my left hand only!  It is massively PAINFUL and at the moment I can't lift my arm up past my shoulder level.

In other news, the main money accepted in Cambodia is the US dollar, so I organised to get some of those yesterday. I also got about $50 worth of Malaysian Ringgut to get me through my stopover in Kuala Lumpur.

All notes are lower than $10 in value.  I wont be able to go to Cambodia with $20's and expect change, because for so many people that is about a months wage and the last thing I want to do is stick it in their faces.  So they are all $1, $5 and $10.  I like the $5 note because Abraham Lincoln is on that one and I love his inspirational story of persistence to become the President :-)  I will publish his inspirational story in my next blog entry.

Other than that, I've also booked my flights, at least it's all getting sorted now and I love it because it just reminds me of how close I am getting to heading overseas on this trip of a lifetime!  Next plan of action, to continue working on my $750 fundraising goal.

Thank you to the following businesses for supporting my fundraising campaign so far!

Sister Cafe Palmwoods
Sister Cafe Cotton Tree
Beachside Health Centre Mooloolaba

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